5 Tips for effective Issue management

Management of issues is one of the main area that demands utmost attention and care from the society administrators. Also an effective issue management is a sure shot way to keep the members happy and satisfied. So let’s check out 5 simple tips that will help society admin offices address issues more effectively than ever before.

Allow convenient platform to raise issue – It is very important to allow the members to raise issues comfortably and conveniently. Have a platform that will help the members to come forth with their issues and problems smoothly to the admin office.

Proper acceptance and delegation – Whenever an issue has been raised, it should to given its due attention as it is one of the factor that is presently affecting the life of one or more member residing in the society. Make sure that the issue is accepted and delegated to proper person or channel for smooth and fast resolution.

Update the issue raiser – From acceptance to delegation to every other step or action taken towards the resolution of the issue, the raiser should be keep informed and updated at every step. This will maintain the transparency between the issue raiser and society admin office, which will assure the raiser that his/her problem is not neglected by the office.

Share the issue with other members as well – Make arrangement such that when an issue is raised, other members can also view the same. This will serve two purposes, firstly another member facing the same issue and thinking of raising it to the society, will know that his problem has been highlighted already and refrain from duplicating the issue to the admin office. Secondly, anyone having suggestion regarding the same will be able to come forth.

Allow an option for reopening – Try resolving the issue in the least possible time frame. Also allow an option to reopen the issue in case the resolution is not up to the raiser’s and any other member’s satisfaction.

The tips are simple enough but may not be possible to abide always, specially if handled manually. However, our generation is blessed amply with technology. Make use of proper technology tool or app to help out in your task of effective society management.

See you next time with another interesting post. Till then, Take care!

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